Upcoming Projects
Renovation of Cart Shed #1
We are currently in the process of turning cart shed one into a rental cart and equipment shed. We are leasing 15 new rentals in March and will need additional room to store them in addition to our current rentals.
You will have the option to sign up for a yearly rental beginning in March for $400 annually.
All members currently in cart shed 1 will be required to relocate your carts into another cart shed prior to the end of the year. There are several nice spots available in cart shed 6 where the rentals used to be stored. When you move your cart, please let the clubhouse know which space you have relocated to in person or via email. You may email The Clubhouse here: salemmogolf@gmail.com
Other Project Coming
A couple upcoming projects are:
- installing sprinklers for the new senior tees on holes 4 and 8
- expanding the driving range hitting area
- putting in a new leach field for the on-course restroom septic tank.
© 2017 Spring Creek Golf Club ♦ 99 Country Road 3220 Salem, Missouri 65560 ♦ PH 573-729-3080
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